latest mod of my brommie EXTRA2 stolen,auction and back 2 me /ブロの最近の改造 番外編 2 盗難、オークション出品、取り戻し
So my Brommie has returned to me.
Though some of the parts recently installed have been missing.
They are: reverse brake levers, stand, Brooks Flyer Special S saddle and saddle position adopter with quick release lever, Black Diamond's head light. These parts can be used as standard parts for any bicycles in general.
車体は戻ったものの幾つかの部品等は自転車泥棒に盗まれたままで解決してません。それらは、ダイアコンペの逆ブレーキレバー、ブルックスのフライヤー・スペシャル S、スタンド、ブラックダイアモンドのヘッドライト、サドルポジションアダプターなどです。これらの部品はブロンプトン以外にも使用できるからでしょう。
Brompton is very unique. The design and its concept is very original. You need special attention for Brompton. What do I mean by that? I will tell you.
Shimano is the one of the giants of the bicycle parts makers like Microsoft in computers. BTW I am a Mac user :-) Almost all the bicycle in the market use Shimano's parts. Well, I am not sure is there any bike like "no Shimano parts configuration" because I am not in the know of bikes, I am not a hobby rider, sorry. Perhaps there is bike like that in Europe, especially very expensive bikes. The company has influential power towards the bike market. Shimano is Japanese comapany so there is actually no bikes with out Shimano's parts! Brompton is the one with out Shimano's.
the handle bar was replaced by the bike shop, saying "a lad in my shop says thats not popular" ... uh, really? but they kept it in the shop and i got it. i m lucky indeed since i got a such a sense ordinary japanese dont like it!
skate wheels were replaced as cheap trindles by the bike shop.
"oh, we changed them new wheels which i bought em @ DIY store since former wheels were dirty" "wheres my skate wheels, sir?" "threw em away when cleanin up for new years." "very well, sir. very well"
the brake levers are very cheap lookin ones. 4 taiwan bromptons?! not sure.
they say theres no brake levers & they had to get new levers, wires.
well they also are victims who has 2 return it to the owner i d say.
i cant say anythin bout it.
the sticker of searial numeber has been teared but it remains it was there! this is great.
i v been waitin 4 news from mizutani, jap agent of brompton bikes, 4 wat 2 do bout it through local bike shop but no reply...they dont care do they! so i better write it to brompton bikes uk.
シリアルナンバーのステッカーは剥がされてましたが、ちゃんと後が残る様になっています!凄い すね、さすがブロンプトン。これに就いてどうしたら良いかミズタニに聞いてもらってますが、返事はない・・・さすがはミズタ・・・。直接に連合王国(所謂 イギリス)のブロ社に直接連絡をとるか・・・。
Well, the thief has not been detained. He is a cyclist and lives in Osaka.
There is a Brooks Flyer Special S Saddle I used to own but now some one use it somewhere. That must be the thief or his friend(girl friend? coz its an 'S' for female) or some one who does not know that the Brooks Flyer Special S is mine. So you bought it somewhere or given by some one there
is possibility of mine lolz
to be con'd.
The Auctioneer Says:
*translation from the top picture "u liar"
UK BROMPTON used incl. postage M6 green colour. Bought in 06 and rode it sometimes. Excellent condition for used but there are minor scratches. Now completely over hauled so you can ride it right away. the model is the highest configuration of Brompton at that time which has rear rack, dynamo lighting system & inflater with 3x2=6 speed. 3 speed model is maybe good enough like utility bikes, but it has much lighter 2 speeds on it so you are free from stresses even if you are living in steep hills area! But please remember this is an used item, be care for bidding if you are not sure from the pictures above. The item cannot meet a claim for any damages. Postage will be covered. It is the end of the year and I would like to ask bidders only who can transfer the money immediately after the knock down of 29th Dec., 30th Dec. is a dead line. Thank you.
oh well he knew well....