
latest mod of my brommie 1/    ブロの最近の改造 1

  The handle bar of my Brommie is not a standard model for the Japanese market. Mizutani Jitensya(bicycles) is one of the giants in the dealers of the Japanese bike market and the company is the agent of Brompton Bicycles in Japan. Mizutani sells some collections from Brompton, but not fully covered, I mean you cannot get some parts or accessories even though if it is an important part of basic configuration, where you can easily obtained in some western countries. There are some limited colour and types of Bromptons in Japan.
  P type handle bar versions, one of which I own now, are very limited. The most expensive model called P-6RX(so-called titan models) is only available. No, P-3Ls,P-6Ls, P-3Rs...even you cannot get a stem for P types ! No Bespokes? Of course not at all.
  Mizutani Bikes, I would like to get some parts from UK, PLEEEEEAZ!!!

  日本でのブロプトンの取り扱いはミズタニ自転車がやってますが、これはBrompton Bicycleの一部の商品が手に入ると言った感じです。実際に連合王国(あ、所謂イギリスとか、英国の事です。これからは英国とかイギリスとか言う表現はやめます。United Kingdomの正式な日本語表記としてはこれが良いと思います。)やオランダやドイツ、ベルギーなどの国々では基本的に全車種、さらに特注やビスポーク(服飾のビスポークとbe spokeの洒落になってる。この辺のセンスの良さも連合王国っぽいですね。もっともファッションに興味がなかったらこのビスポークはなんのこっちゃか全然解りまへんやろうけどね・・・。まぁ、それ位は自分で調べてみて下さい。) 

electrified like old brit rock stars ? nope, like old brit bikes.
電気の武者・・・と言っても解らんか? マーク・ボランで

  Any way, I have got a P-3L, or it supposed to be sold as a P-3L.
  When I get this bike, I ordered Maestro Wada (who is a living legend mechanic and a bike seller in Tokyo) to have it 6 speed by using Brompton's derailleur system.
And then I added a rear carrier but that was not made in UK for some reason. When I asked to this bloke worked in one of my favourite bike shops in town, LORO cycle works,http://www.loro.co.jp/index2-lcw.html recommended me this Made in Japan carrier is nicer and tougher than UK's original one. I asked him for "extra brake levers" for my P handle. So my Brommie is P-6RS(S as SPECIAL, no need to say?) you can not see this dual brake lever except my Brommie. BTW I'd like to know Brommie or Brommy!? I hear that Brommie is a kind of slang which means brother + hommie. So I found it interesting and I assumed my Brommie is a LADY from UK though!
  Now I modified it one more time by the great help by the bloke from LORO who runs his own shop Bici Termini. http://bicitermini.com/From the time of LORO, he has been looking after my Brommie and now we are friends each other rather than a customer and a bike shop owner.
  I think I can say Brompton made us friends.

  この荷台はLORO Cycle Workshttp://www.loro.co.jp/index2-lcw.html で付けて貰いました。その時にこれを店員に勧められました、彼曰く、純正よりも軽くて良いと言う事でした。更に、この人に頼んでみてハンドルにもう一組別のブレーキを付けて貰いました。そう言う訳で、このブロは前からP−3LでもP−6Rでもないちょっと変わったものに成ってました。
今彼はLOROから独立してBici Termini(ビチ・テルミニ) http://bicitermini.com/と言うお店をやっています。このブロは彼がLOROの時から色々と面倒を見てもらっています。独立した今も、彼にお願いしています。今はお客と言うより友達付き合いをさせてもらっています。それもこれもブロンプトンが築いてくれた言えるでしょう。

The bike is very nice and is going to be much nicer.
It will be the best 'mobile bicycle' ever.
The details of the latest modification will be shown soon.



