
Nara cycling maybe not pottering 2/ 奈良サイクリング これもポタではないですyo! 2

  Actually, this was the first time to see A2C and kimotoshi. I was wondering what they like and I found that they are nasty..., no, of course not, they are nice and we had lots laughs that day. They have got an impression of my attire of kimonos through my blog, but I was not in them, so they were unexpected to see me not in kimonos. I do wear western clothing and I like western fashion aren't I!


  One of my aims of the day is to see otake's new front light and bottle dynamo. I just do not want to reach to
Nara before dusk so we headed in a quite relaxed manner and were not speeding. Yes, we enjoyed en rout to Nara itself, psassing the lovely path along the river, watching the cars are going far from us, drop by at the local stations, temples, etc., etc.. Even though this is the first time to see them I made them laugh, some times forced to laugh! Around after lunch we made friends like from old days.
  Now we reached the start line of
Nara Cycling Road from Houryuji. I had been thinking that we should go to Jikouin for viewing the fabulas garden and have a nice bowl of tea and sweets in front of the garden where one my favourite artist's master pieces are served as tea bowls for green tea, but it took time to reach there more than I expected. The commander ordered a bold decision, we skip here. It really is a lovely place to visit, you can not miss it.


  Then we reached a ruined castle of Yamatokouriya. The area is castle town and here also has much to see. One of the you must see is an old town house turned to be cafe; these styles of cafes, restaurants and shops are a real today kind of fashion and this "a real today kind of" fashionable cafes would run away when they see this cafe has distinctive feel. The name of this house is Aum sweet Aum, lovely name isn't it! But the commander ordered again and hurried forward. Along Akisino river seeing Ikoma mountains on your left then there is a cozy fashionable cafe, Le Praloir Cafe, it doesn't suit old birds,,,, it does, it does maybe, but haven't got much time. The commander ordered again.


  Next is Heijokyo, a ruined palace and capitol of 8th century. We had the last pieces of sweets from kimotoshi at around the Suzakumon(Suzaku Gate).This is the time for JetBoil again. Going to
Nigatudou(Nigatu hall) in the precincts of Todaiji(Todai temple) from here. Now that the time for otake's new weapon, front light and bottle dynamo by B&M made in Germany, does execution! So bright!!! Mine also is B&M's front light and it has been said nicer than genuine part on the Bromptons. It is much, much, much brighter than I expected. It seemed to me almost 5 times brighter than mine. Then we reached Nigatudou, Todaiji where there are lots of tourists in the daylights but there are a few of people after dusk. Whenever I come to Nara city I visit this place at night. The area keeps nice air in the night You wold be surprised by the dears but this is their nature I suppose.

  そして平城京。羅城門でkimotoshiさんの持って来た最後のお菓子を頂きます。ここでもジェットボイル。そしてここから東大寺、二月堂に向かいま す。そしてここではotakeさんの新兵器B&Mの発電機と前照灯の威力爆発。めちゃくちゃ明るいです。僕のもB&Mで、純正よりも良いものなのですが、 それの5倍くらいは明るい。そして東大寺に着きます。二月堂は昼間は凄い人ですが夜は殆ど人が居ません。僕は奈良市内に行くと殆ど必ずこの夜の二月堂にお 参りします。夜の東大寺やこの界隈もいい雰囲気です。鹿が突然現れてびっくりしたりしますが、彼らも又昼間とは違った感じでこちらの方が何か本性の様な気 がします。

  KanaKana, today's destination, is one of the places they wanted to go. Perhaps one of the oldest fashionable cafe in the area called
Nara machi(Nara town), I knew the couple who runs this nice cafe, the area is very popular among tourist these days and the cafe is always busy by tourists and the local so I thought that we should go there around 18.00 or something for avoiding busy time. We spent too much time for Todaiji and others, above all, the commander lost his way! We could not to reach there before the time for the last order! Time flies very early in Nrara,and that was before 20.00, I knew the people of Nara always close their gate very early lol. That's Nara for you, yeah, but I like it. We were not starved to death at that time, so we went to PINOCHIO, also is one of the oldest tearoom in the city. I knew this tearoom, it ishould be called as a tearoom rather than latest a fashionable term 'cafe' I think, from my younger days. This time I searched on the net and I found this tearoom started its business about 40 years ago. It must be the oldest in the city.
  We did the board games brought by otake, one of his favourite pastimes, in the tearoom. It was so boaring, no we enjoyed, only joking, otake, you know! While chatting this and that during the game, time was running out. We said a good bye to otake at
Kintetsu Nara station for he is from Kyoto and we headed for JR Nara station. I had been planning to get off the train somewhere in Osaka pref.. At first kimotoshi wanted to go to Shin Imamiya station and change the train, A2C wanted to get off at Kyuhoji station.
We got off the train
Kashiwara station after all so we did enjoyed the full of charm of Brompton, on train, night run along Yamato river with powerful dynamo lights! If you haven't got a dynamo systems, you should get it. This is much nicer than battery LED system. I installed this bottle dynamo given by cycle446. I would like to thank you for the courtesy of your kindness. "cycle446, you are great, you can victory over difficulties, nothing, it's unrelated..."

つらい事があっても乗り越えられるよ!」 ってそれは関係ないか。

First meet, hit or miss fashion, schedule change, closed and some oddities but we did enjoy country road, cyclist road, notable sights, beautiful places, Brompton on board, night run etc., etc.. Highly concentrated menu of tour de Nara,too much laughters, too much to see, do, I do not want to go next time, if you ask me,,, yes, I do of course!
A2C, kimotoshi and otake, boys see you soon!

pics by A2C, kimotoshi and otake.


A2Cさん、kimotoshiさん、そして otakeさんから写真を借りました。


Nara cycling maybe not pottering/ 奈良サイクリング これもポタではないですyo!

  I like Nara very much. I have been visiting the prefecture almost 2 times a month or something. Nara is much larger than Osaka. Osaka actually is a smallest prefecture in Japan. The place perhaps is very attractive to visit by car, on train, on foot and of course by bike.


  Osaka is said to be a really nice hub to go to Nara, Kyoto, Wakayama, Shiga. You can visit these area about an hour or less. Each of area has different facet and culture. Osaka locate really nice place to go to short trip and enjoy unique culture of these history rich places. Better enjoy full of em aren't I ?


  R 25 is very popular among car drivers and perhaps for serious cyclists who rides conventional diamond flames. I used to use this way but I was reluctant to. There are so many drivers speeding and passing by you. Japan is a car centered society. You can not expect car drivers morals and manners as you expected in the West. Maybe it is not so bad, I mean compare to other far eastern countries, but the drivers here are as if they owned the road. So I would like to avoid these cars when I am cycling. One of my blogger mates posted an article on Nara and cycling. He lives in Osaka and is a Bromptonaut. Apparently, he went to there by using R 25 and he was fed up with heavy traffic. I suggested there is a nicer way than R 25. He was interested in the way I always use to go to Nara. I planed to cycling around the area and there are another 2 Bromptonauts who wants to go to Nara so we gathered on a lovely Sunday morning.
They are; A2C, otake and kimotoshi.


  Along the Yamato gawa(Yamato River), we headed for Nara. The road runs with river is not designed as a cyclists road, but there are some parts of which is not allowed to enter by cars and motor cycles and there is a part of cyclist road included. I was a leader of the tour(again, I am not sure for this is called pottering or not
http://foldersandmobile.blogspot.com/2009/03/kyoto-cycling-by-bromoton-2-2.html) .


Lovely isn't it! The river, green, flowers and no cars!

  The cyclist road bending along Isi Kawa(Isi river),which is an armlet of the Yamato gawa, so we headed for the main river as the river runs from Nara Pref.


This station is the key point to go Nara with out using R 25.

  One of the reasons I like Nara is that the prefecture is bike friendly. Of course here also is a car centric prefecture just like the rest of area in Japan. The infrastructure of Nara is not so good for its huge region. The roads are not good, a few busses, no tubes and trams, trains leave something to be desired and so on. The authorities decided that Nara should not to be exploited, developed, but using conventional method. That is the bike and cyclist road. Not to be building new roads though they paint some pedestrian paths in green colour so as not to be missed the road. I like this idea although there are some improvements are needed. THIS IS A MUCH NICER IDEA by Osaka City Mayor Hiramatu's, I would say. Perhaps, people in Nara are accustomed this polcy because whenever I am cycling in Nara I noticed the drivers attitude towards bikes. They give us the way! It will not to be happened in Osaka! They even never stop right in front of zebras where you have to stop or speeding down for pedestrians.
  It is a kind of miracle in Osaka if it happened!!!! Osakans traffic manners are notorious. Only a few of the people do keep the rule
, of course I do.
I think I will writing it some day in the near future by the way. But think it over again, it must be not so special to give ways for bikes and walkers, it is that the Osaka is too strange...
  Any way riding a bike in Nara is quite easy than in Osaka.

  奈良が好きな理由の一つに自転車に友好的であると言うのがあります。勿論、他の地域同様に「車中心社会」が築かれてはいますが。整備はその広い領域に行き渡ってなく、道も良くないですし、バスも多くはありません。地下鉄や路面電車は走ってませんし、列車も万全とは言えません。ですが奈良県は開発の替わりに既存のものを活用する方向で決めました。そして自転車用の道路を整備する事にしたのです。新しく工事をせずに今ある状況、詰まり歩道等を用いて自転車道路として緑に塗り、道を見失わない様に工夫してる訳です。これは平松大阪市長の基本的な発想よりも遥かに良いと思います。そしてどうやら奈良人たちは自転車に乗ってる人たちに慣れてるのか、とても態度が良く感じられます。自転車に道を譲ってくれるのです!! 大阪ではそんな事殆どありません。

kimotoshi is very fond of Japanese sweets so do I.
Sorry, no English.


  I requested his favourite sweets for the day. We had cuppas and sweets just before running as a starter. I brought two JetBoils just in case. I made some nice cuppas for them with JetBoil.


  This is Houryuhji (Hou ryuh temple), one of the world heritages.
The oldest wooden buildings in the world.
The cyclist road begins here. If you are going to Nara, take your Brommie with you (or folders, bikes for that mater) to cycle round the area.
Sorry, no English.


After leaving Houryuhji, we had lunch,our familiar taste Darjireen tyazuke.


  This green colour means that this is bike road(not only for bikes).
Sometimes you have to go right side of the way along with the bike roads where as normally you have to go to the left side of the way. Maybe it is complicated but better than heavy traffic lane.


most of nice pics by kimotoshi. cheers!
to b con'd.



kyoto cycling by bromoton 2/ブロンプトンで京都をブラブラ、でもポタリングとはちゃいますよ 2。

  Our journey is going on. Last time I took down about "pottering" in Japanese lunguage without English translation. I AM NOT FOR SURE that this is what you called "pottering", in Japanese cyclist's term, lots of people using this "pottering" for their cycling activities.I think that kind of recreational cycling is touring or rambling, and I know the word "pottering" means doing something idly in the home, cleaning and gardening or to go here and there, I mean nipping or something... I am not for sure of to go cycling sometimes over 20 miles a day, riders gathered by the same aim and plan for visiting places can be called as "pottering".
I think that is touring.
But mind you, I am nether a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER nor AN EXPERT IN ENGLISH. I would like to know you can use "pottering" as in a manner of lots of Japanese cyclist are using now are right or wrong. If you are in the field of cycling, Japanese language and English please tell me. So I thought this was not "pottering" for I am not sure of the word. 
IMO I storngly believe that we do not need to use these strange loan words in our daily conversations in Japanese lunguages. We have enough loan words from abroad and we are alreday out of control for these words. No more strange words, no.


  That day I took my Brommie on Hankyu Kyoto Line from Umeda Station to Katura. The observation of the day starts at 9 in the morning. I got on the train on 7.59 and arrived the destination then left for the Villa around 8.40. It took less than 10 minutes or something.
While I am at it, the Villa, I am telling you something about it. The observation requires application before hand on the net, by mail or by first hand. Our "Le Grand Tour 'de la Villa" was started 9.00, There must be the time tables of 10.00, 11.00, 13.00 14.00 and 15.00 a day. Some of the days are not allowed to visit accordance with their plans, schedule etc,. About an hour you are touring in the group of people leading by volunteers from ex employers from The Imerial Household Agency. Speaking of them, I hear one of my friend's mother visited the Villa long time ago, a guide addressed to the group of people "You, the low classes,..." Super Fantastic, isn it?! It should have been a wonderfull experience because you will never ever hear those words except in the TV programmes or historical plays! With these nice words the volunteers leading you the site about an hour. You have to be there 10 minutes before the arranged time. After you entered in the site, you will see the small hall where you have to be waiting until all the members of the party has gathered in one piece. The hall has a small shop for books and goods related to the Villa and the Imperial Properties, and there are coin-operated lockers for your baggage to leave. We parked our Brommies right in front of the gate, there is an officer in uniform in alert, so they are safety.


  We went to Toriiwarou because it is near to Kitano Tenmangu and I wanted to have Tyougorou moti and some tea around the area. A shop of Tyougorou moti is opens on the 25th every month in the precincts. Now it is the best season for plum viewing, the shop is open for these special days. There also were lots of people visiting the shrine and enjoying beautiful plum blossoms. Hirano Jinja(Shrine) is very close so we went the shrine on foot.
http://www.chogoromochi.co.jp/ *Sorry no English


  Then we left for Heian Jingu and Nanzenji

heian jingu.

the temple gate of nanzenji is right my back.

  otake wanted to take a picture of me doing something...
  A bike shop called Kinetics in the UK which is very famous among the Bromptonauts around the globe for its special modifications and custom build. I sometimes visiting its web site and blog. I posed as a picture used by the shop, requested by otake.


the angle of my face is a bit different...i d better try it again!

After visiting the famous temple gate of Nanzenji, we were heading for a famous tea merchant through Gosho(The Palace) where you can have a nice traditional cuppa in the tea room of the shop. The tea room recently refurbished and very popular among the local, the tourist. You can have some very special selections of tea from koitya(storng mattya), gyokuro, sentya and houjitya. You have a chance to make a bowl of mattya or cup of gyokuro, etc. on your own with an instruction of staff members. So you might have some nice experience of "Kyoto Hospitality" I am an Osakan and maybe a little bit of fussy for service and hospitality because Osaka is a capital of merchants, so I was surprised by this "Kyoto Hospitality" by a staff member. Well, that's Kyoto for you!


  After Ippodo, we went pub and cafe recommended by Mrs. otake. After that I went back to Osaka. We cycle around the town about 30 km or something. Mrs otake and otake thank you very much! otake, see you on Nara tour and this must be exciting one again.
